When Damian began his lecture for us he instantly drew you in as being a genuine person with a brilliant sense of humour. The lecture was extremely informative and entertaining. He a great out look on his work and how other people should look at their work.
One of the things that stuck in my head about the lecture was when he was talking about always being alert and looking for inspiration. He showed us a picture of some milk/paint and a fag dimp on the floor that he saw at the train station. When he turned it round it looked it looked like a goose.
Another aspect to this always being a aware, was he said he takes pictures of everything and always has a sketch book with him. The reason for this is a lot of the characters he creates for in his animations are taken from real life.
After the lecture I was lucky enough to spend 20minutes talking to Damian about my Final Major Project. I talked him through the problem that I had chosen to solve, and the two ideas that I had narrowed it down to. He very quickly pointed me in the direction that I needed to take the project and gave a lot of inspiration and drive to go and get on with it.
These are some stills from his piece. 'Careful'

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